June 18, 2006 - Tillamook to Whidbey Island, Washington

It was a little breezy leaving Tillamook, but then it usually is around coastal airports.  I headed for the Pacific Ocean.  It struck me as kind of amazing to be flying the Citabria along the Pacific coast instead of the Atlantic.
My plan was to fly the coast, then angle inland towards Seattle.
Some offshore rocks, something you don't see in the Atlantic.  There you see sandbars.  It's a big no-no to buzz these rocks and scare the wildlife.  Wouldn't want to upset the yellow-belly sap-suckers ...
You could really tell that these coastal mountains were logged.  They were criss-crossed with logging roads and had patches missing.
The clouds started building inland over the mountains but the coast was clear -- no pun intended.
For a short while, it looked pretty nasty right off my wing.
But then it started clearing up.  Up ahead is the town of Astoria and the mouth of the Columbia River.
Approaching the southern point of the Columbia River entrance.  The official end of the Lewis & Clark Trail monument is somewhere right off my nose, but I couldn't find it.
The oceanfront was kind of unusual:  a beach followed by a wide grassy area, then houses.
Looking east down the Columbia River, Astoria airport, and the town of Astoria on the other side of the bridge.
I crossed the Columbia River into the state of Washington and flew north along the coast some more until I came to the town of Ocean Park, then I turned east northeast and angled for Seattle.  The coastal mountains were a lot lower than those to the south.  Soon I came to all the inlets and bays that are southwest of Seattle.  That's a big logging operation in the lower left hand corner. 
Looking straight down.  That's a lot of logs.
I turned north and flew by Bremerton Naval Base where three aircraft carriers were tied up.  I bet I could land the Citabria on one of those behemoths without tailhook, no problem.
My first glimpse of Seattle, looking east across Puget Sound.
A little closer.
Passing over a cruise ship headed out to sea.
Seattle from the northwest.
Whidbey Island dead ahead.
I was here seven years ago for my friend Dave's wedding.  I remember having a barbeque at that beach below.
Overhead Whidbey Island airport, where I would keep the Citabria for the next two days.
The Citabria tied down for the night.  Not a lot of transient traffic at this neat little airport.  Dave only lived five minutes away.